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70 71 INTELLIGENT CONTROLLABLE LIGHTING Take your light show to the next level. Our S4i ® Engineering Team specializes in designing products that solve the challenges of adding distinct visual value to your lighting experience. We develop solutions that turn a complex installation into an easy and enjoyable show for everyone involved. With S4i anything is possible. Control & Content Series Once your beautiful canvas of con- trollable lighting is built, our in-house Content Production Team brings your story to life! Pixel Pines ® Series The Ultimate Christmas Tree Experi- ence. Pixel-Mapped, RGB Christmas Trees are guaranteed to entertain all season long. Low Voltage RGB Series One set of components with lights in all shapes and sizes that can be used singularly or controlled in series. Architectural Series Outdoor, year-round light fixtures throw huge amounts of light onto any surface with minimal installation time. Plug N Play Series Ready-to-Roll RGB curtains, tunnels and pole tree kits. Packaged with an S4i designed control system and content. RGB Extendable Series The longest end-to-end connectable RGB Light Strings in the world. Hun- dreds of feet on one connection. Courtesy of Silver Dollar City Pixel Pines ® - The Ultimate Christmas Tree Experience The best pixel tree in the world gets better every year thanks to S4’s team of designers. We’ve added the new capabilities of S4 Decor - frame, foliage and supporting decor produc- tion in addition to increasing pixel count, installation ease and enjoyment for your viewers. Contact your S4 Salesper- son today to learn more and book your Pixel Pine for 2021 or upgrade your existing tree or show. Courtesy of Dollywood MORE PIXELS - More than double the pixels than previous models means increased content resolution. CUSTOM CONTENT - Synchronized animation and music designed by our creative team specifically for your next experience. BUILT TO ORDER - Choose your tree, choose your topper and add our moving spots for an unforgettable show experience. Snowburst RGB Tree Topper Powder Coated Aluminum Moving Head Spotlights Multi Channel and Programmable Show Light Infrastructure Product #Light CountSpokesHeightColor ST3SB850173’RGB ST4SB1050214’RGB ST6SB1470216’RGB • Show Stopper! • S4i RGB Pixels • Includes Data & Power • Durable Design Product #Lead/TailBeam Angle Color and Function 110224236”/36”15°Pure White/Red/Green/Blue/Yellow/ Purple/Orange/Aquamarine 110210260”/12”4.5°RGBW Product #DescriptionTotal LengthWire ColorCase Pack Packaging 1102738Power Extension Cord, PowerCON Connectors12’BK12Polybag 1102739Power Extension Cord, PowerCON Connectors25’BK12Polybag 1102740Data Extension Cable, 3P-XLR-IP65 Data Connectors12’BK12Polybag 1102741Data Extension Cable, 3P-XLR-IP65 Data Connectors25’BK12Polybag Rainproof Moving Head 60W RGB Spot | 18-Channel Daisy-chain these versatile units together to upgrade your next show Gobo Show Light w/ Igloo 100W LED Spot | 14-Channel Comes standard with an outdoor igloo cover and 7 patterns to per- sonalize your light show 1102242 110210272 73 LED Architectural Lights Expand your show exponentially by adding architectural lights surrounding your focal point or use year-round as a magnificent display lighting a building or tree line. Many design options are available with our family of fixed posi- tion and moving head lights that have a range of wattages, beam angles, color palettes and DMX512 control options. ARCHITECTURAL SERIESARCHITECTURAL SERIES Product #DescriptionBulb Wattage Color Palette Beam Angle ControlData Connector Power Connector Connection Limit Lead/ Tail 1102085Color Beam Light21RGB253-ChannelTL32TL3P3060/12 1102157Small Par Light80RGBW284/6/8-ChannelTL32TL3P860/12 1102156Small Bar Light96RGBW402/4/6/8-ChannelTL32TL3P660/12 1102230Large Par Light180RGB- WAUV 286/8/10-ChannelTL32TL3P660/12 1102160Large Bar Light144RGBW182/6/72-ChannelTL32TL3P460/12 1102231Big Bertha Light480RGBW404/6/8-Channel3P-XLRPowerCON310/10 1102639Big Bertha Light480RGBW204/6/8-Channel3P-XLRPowerCON310/10 1102736Battery Par Light48RGBW104/6/9-Channel3P-XLRPower Charger38/- Architectural Light Accessories Product #DescriptionPackaging 1102695Big Bertha Light ShadeBox 1102086Color Beam IR RemoteBox Battery ParBig Bertha Big Bar Small Bar Color BeamSmall ParLarge Par Big Bertha Light ShadeIR Remote HV Architectural Light Power Cords HV Architectural Data Extension Cables Courtesy of Clays Park IR remote sold separately IP65 Rated | 2 Year Warranty Courtesy of Light Up Columbus Product #DescriptionFemale ConnectorMale ConnectorTotal LengthCase Pack Packaging 1102155Data Extension Cable TL32 CouplingTL32 Coupling1212Polybag 1102181Data Extension CableTL32 CouplingTL32 Coupling2512Polybag 1102740Data Extension Cable3P-XLR F3P-XLR M1212Polybag 1102741Data Extension Cable3P-XLR F3P-XLR M2512Polybag 1102164Data Lead CableTL32 Coupling3P-XLR M612Polybag 1102752Data Lead Cable3P-XLR FTL32 Coupling612Polybag Product #DescriptionPowerFemale ConnectorMale ConnectorsTotal LengthCase Pack Packaging 1102186Extension Cord120VACTL3P CouplingTL3P Coupling2512Polybag 1102394Extension Cord120VACTL3P CouplingTL3P Coupling1212Polybag 1102738Extension Cord120VACPowerCON FPowerCON M1212Polybag 1102739Extension Cord120VACPowerCON FPowerCON M2512Polybag74 75 Plug N Play Kits Content and Control Immerse your guests in a kaleidoscope tunnel, mesmerize with a video wall of colorful shapes and movements, or build a 365° view- ing experience with our pixel pole tree kits. Plug N Play Tunnels, Curtains and Pole Tree kits come in three sizes, pre-packaged for an easy, high-impact experience with little design experience needed on your part. Let S4 supply the design specs and creative content, you pick the spot and supply the installation manpower. Each kit comes with light strings, electrical infrastructure, power supplies, and nec- essary tethering hardware. Use an existing frame or controller you provide or add the optional Plug N Play HQ and supporting frame made by S4 Decor to your package. Call your S4 Salesperson to learn more about these game-changing kits and how S4 Decor can help you with the structures. S4i light systems require a show player and creative con- tent for them to shine. We offer multiple solutions from simple to sophisticated, ready-to-ship or built-to-spec. Our Control options range from the easy-to-use Lumen- play ® controller to complex HQs that can run multiple programs, shows and canvases all designed, built and monitored by our in-house team of engineers. Once your beautiful canvas is designed, allow our Con- tent Production Team to bring your story to life with our mix & match Portfolio Content or a one-of-a kind Custom show. Visit our website to experience sample content. PLUG N PLAY SERIES CONTROL & CONTENT SERIES Lumenplay ® iOS Easiest Central Control System to control up to 500x Pixels Includes a Plug N Play HQ control system pre-configured with playful and elegant scenic visuals and audio ready to Plug N Play! Single, Outdoor Enclosure containing an entire Central Control System to playback your S4i ® Masterpiece or Custom Content. Lumenplay is compatible with iOS bluetooth smart-ready devices. Create a custom color palette, change effects, brightness, speed & direction of lights. S4i ® ShowHQ S4i ® Pixel Controllers Rugged, Outdoor Enclosures sACN / ArtNet Input Various Protocol Outputs. Choose from one of our Multiple Styles and Sizes Pole TreeCurtainTunnel SMALLMEDIUMLARGEX-LARGE 5’x12’6’x16’10’x24’16’x39’ SMALLMEDIUMLARGEX-LARGE 12’x12’12’x16’12’x25’12’x40’ LARGEX-LARGE 20’x25’20’x40’ S4i Creative Content and Services Choose from our Portfolio content or let us design a show just for you S4i Show Control Contact us today to learn more about our creative content services! Download Full Portfolio Here Portfolio ContentDescription Beautiful MovementsColorful patterns and animations move beautifully with optional sound effects or ambient music Razzle DazzleColorful patterns move to synchronized music MasterpieceFull shows that have a theme or tell a story and can incorporate multiple canvases Lighting CeremoniesHigh impact pre-show pieces often with a countdown Music LibraryMedleys of Jazz, Orchestral, Pop/Rock music76 77 Ext RGB Power/Control Lead 120VAC TL32M Lumenplay ® iOS Controller Data Extension Cable TL41M TL41F TL41F Controller Lead Cable #1102161 - White / #1102485 - Green Pixel Controller TL32F #1102228 - Green / #1102374 - Black #1102356 #1101969/1102162/1102163 6, 12 or 25 TL32 #1102378 12 TL41, Light String Ext. Wire, GR Product #DescriptionConneectorsTotal LengthWire ColorCase Pack Packaging 1102378Light String Extension CableTL41 Coupling12’GR12Polybag 1102161Data Lead WireTL32 Coupling/Bare Wire3’WH24Polybag 1102485Data Lead WireTL32 Coupling/Bare Wire3’GR12Polybag 1101969Data Extension CableTL32 Coupling6’GR12Polybag 1102162Data Extension CableTL32 Coupling12’GR12Polybag 1102163Data Extension CableTL32 Coupling25’GR12Polybag 1. Up to 625x Pixels in a daisy-chain 2. Controllable via Plug N Play, Lumenplay ® or Network 3. No maximum quantity of taps. Perfect for Linear Lighting of Roofs and Trees RGB Extendable Strings RGB pixels as far as the eye can see! S4’s patented technology allows you to connect hundreds of feet of pixels on a single output without the need to inject power along the way. Create an awe-inspiring experience that can cover fields, line buildings, build pole trees 10 stories tall or fill a forest with singing vines. RGB EXTENDABLE SERIESRGB EXTENDABLE SERIES Extendable RGB Light Strings 25 Lights | 8.57 Watts | 25 String Limit Custom End-To-End Light Strings Available For Order RGB Infrastructure & Power Power and Control Bulb SpacingLight CountLeadTailConnectorsDataLimit 3”-24”<30>8”>4”TL41DMX512P/WS2811625L Product #DescriptionBulb Spacing Lead/ Tail Lighted Length Total Length Wire ColorCase Pack Packaging 11023668mm Dome Light String8”13”/4”16’17.38’GR6Polybag 110236710mm Wide Angle Light String8”13”/4”16’17.38’GR6Polybag 1102368C7 Faceted Light String12”10”/4”24’25.12’GR6Polybag 1102369C9 Faceted Light String12”10”/4”24’25.12’GR6Polybag 1102402C9 Opaque Light String12”10”/4”24’25.12’GR6Polybag 1102370G40 Faceted Light String18”14”/4”36’37.5’BK6Polybag 8mm Dome10mm Wide Angle C9 FacetedC9 Opaque C7 FacetedG40 Faceted Product #DescriptionLead/TailProduct ColorWire ColorCase Pack Packaging 1102228Extendable RGB Power / Control Lead36”/36”GreenGR24Polybag 1102374Extendable RGB Power / Control Lead36”/36”BlackBK24Polybag 1102356Lumenplay Controller-BlackBK24Polybag Data and Power Cables Courtesy of Atlanta Botanical Gardens Courtesy of Give Kids The World Extendable RGB Curtain Light Strings 25 Lights | 3” Lead | 6” Spacing | End In Bulb | 12’3” Length Lumenplay® Controller Data Extension Cable TL41MTL41F TL41F TL42F TL42M TL42F TL42M TL41M Data Lead Cable Pixel Controller Product #DescriptionWire ColorWattsConnection LimitCase Pack Packaging 11023728mm Dome Curtain Light StringWH8.57256Polybag 110237310mm Wide Angle Curtain Light StringWH8.57256Polybag 1102376Extension Cable, 1 Tap, 10’ Lead, 8” Tail, TL41 Connectors12Polybag 1102375Multi-Tap Extension Cable, 12 Tap, 6” Lead, 6” Spacing, 5” Tail, TL41 Connectors1Polybag78 79 Skipping Stone Product #DescriptionLead/TailDiameterWire ColorWattsConnection LimitCase Pack Packaging 1102387Color Blossom Light Stake60”/6”24”BK1.441666Carton 1102388Color Blossom Light Stake60”/6”36”BK1.441666Carton 1102771Smart Skipping Stone60”/12”10.6”BK4601Carton 1102772Smart Skipping Stone60”/12”12.2”BK13181Carton 1102773Smart Skipping Stone60”/12”13.8”BK13/2411Carton 1102395Smart Sphere60”/12”10”BK4601Carton 1102398Smart Sphere60”/12”19”BK13181Carton 1102400Smart Sphere60”/12”31”BK24101Carton 1102768Smart Cube60”/12”11.8”BK13181Carton 1102769Smart Cube60”/12”19.7”BK24101Carton 1102770Smart Cube60”/12”31.5”BK24101Carton Power Supply TL20F TL32M TL20M TL38FTL38M TL38F TL38M TL48F TL38F Item #1102389 S4i® LV RGB Power/Control Lead GeoGlow Blossom GeoGlow Cube GeoGlow Sphere TL38M TL48F TL38FTL38MTL38F Item #1102403 S4i® Extension Cable TL38M TL48F TL38F Item #1102385 S4i ® LV RGB Power Injector Color Splasher TL48MTL48M TL48M GeoGlow Skipping Stone TL20M 12v / 24v DC Power Supply TL38M TL38F *Compatible with GeoGlows & Color Splashers LOW VOLTAGE RGB SERIESLOW VOLTAGE RGB SERIES GeoGlows Single RGB Pixel Light Forms Low Voltage RGB Build a garden of blossoms or stand one, giant C9 bulb as your centerpiece. Our low voltage RGB Series allows you to combine a myriad of shapes in different sizes, all with RGB pixels that can be controlled with our simple-to-use Lumenplay controller or integrated into a more complex show. S4 can also build a custom light string with a choice of eye-catching fes- toons or gumballs adding a new and exciting twist to stringers defining your outdoor space. Product #Beam AngleWire ColorConnection LimitCase Pack Packaging 1102390150BK126Box RGB Color Splasher 20W | 54” Lead | 6” Tail | Ground Stake Included Power | Control | Infrastructure Product #DescriptionConnection InformationRequirement 1102411Versaline® 24V 72W Power Supply6’ Input Extension, 6” Output ExtensionUse 1102407 TL20 Adapter Cord 1103018Versaline® 100W Power Supply6’ Input Extension, 6” Output ExtensionUse 1102407 TL20 Adapter Cord 1102407S4i® 24V Power Adapter Cord3’ Male Connector to TL20FRequired for power supplies 1102756S4i® 24V 240W Power Supply1’ TL20F Output, 1’ PowerCON Power Lead 1’ PowerCON Lead, 3’ AC Adapter 1102389S4i® LV RGB Power/Control Lead 36” TL20M Power Input, 36” TL32M Data Input36” TL38F Light String Output 1102385S4i® LV RGB Power Injector 9” x 9” Pass-Through TL38F Connectors, 60” TL20M Power Input TL38 Connectors - Black Cable 1102403S4i® 12’ Extension CableTL38 Connectors16AWG - Black Cable 1102162S4i® 12’ Data Extension CableTL32 ConnectorsGreen Cable 1102163S4i® 25’ Data Extension CableTL32 ConnectorsGreen Cable 1102356S4i® Lumenplay Controller5V Power Supply, DMX512P Firmware TL32F Output 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 Versaline power supplies require TL20 adapter Extend Lumenplay connection for easy access Color BlossomCubeSphere Geogiant Color Blossom Light Stakes Custom RGB Light Strings Extendable Large Format Illumination Built To Order , Contact your S4 Sales Representative to learn more today! 2 Bulb Options Available Custom Bulb Spacing 2.5in Festoon 4in Gumball • 12ft cables assembled domestically at S4 • Daisy-Chain up to 600 lights on one data run • Compatible IP65+, outdoor infrastructure • 6x RGB LEDs for maximum illumination • Fully-Controllable RGB pixels • Replaceable, rugged, outdoor design Product #DescriptionLead/TailHeightDiameterWire ColorCase Pack Packaging 1102951Geogiant60”/6”72”27”BK1Carton GeoGiant RGB Light Sculpture GSTRTKITGeoGlow Infrastructure Starter KitPower and Data Infrastructure for up to 3 x 31” Spheres or GeoGiants GEXPKITGeoGlow Infrastructure Expansion KitPower and Data Infrastructure for an additional 2 x 31” Spheres or GeoGiantsNext >